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The Benefits of Managed Marketing For Small Businesses

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Managed marketing strategies are great for small businesses because they allow companies to focus on other aspects of running their business while leaving the marketing to someone else. When a business outsources its marketing to an agency, the pressure to keep up with competitors online with digital marketing and traditional marketing is removed. Less stressed-out employees allow small businesses to be more productive in the areas they excel, like customer service and product improvement.

Marketing includes so many channels that many don’t get the resources or time they deserve. Who really has the time to spend all day posting on social media, blogging, sending out marketing emails, and creating videos? Large enterprises have the advantage over their smaller peers when investing in marketing software and in-house experts, from digital marketing and social media management to website design and SEO.

Most small businesses struggle to prioritize time and resources for new marketing strategies for fear of them not working out. With a marketing agency controlling all their marketing campaigns, small businesses keep using their tried and true campaigns in normal channels and take a leap of faith in new marketing channels to get a head start on their competitors.

Why Small Businesses Use Managed Marketing

Let’s look at why outsourcing marketing is so beneficial for small businesses!

  • Save you time and money
  • Focus on more important tasks
  • Increase leads and sales
  • Improve brand awareness
  • Grow customer base

1. They save you time and money

If you’re looking for ways to save money and time, then managed marketing might be right up your alley. It’s not just about saving money; it’s also about getting more done with less effort.

2. They help you focus on more important things

One of the biggest benefits of managed marketing is that it helps you focus on what matters most. Losing track of things that matter with a full-time job, family responsibilities, and other obligations is easy. By outsourcing these tasks to an expert, you’ll be able to spend more time doing what you love.

3. They can increase leads and sales

In addition to helping you manage your online reputation, managed marketing services can also help you increase sales. If you’ve ever tried to market yourself as an individual, you know how difficult it can be to stand out from the crowd. However, when you work with a professional, they can ensure that your business stands out by creating unique campaigns and content that will attract new customers.

4. They can boost brand awareness

Managed marketing agencies can help you build brand awareness through various methods. You might use paid advertising, such as Facebook ads, to promote your products and services. Or, you might use free tools like Google Adwords to reach more people. Either way, these strategies can help you gain exposure and generate leads.

5. They can help you grow your customer base

If you want to grow your customer base, you should consider using a managed marketing agency. These companies offer various services, including social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), and web development. They also provide ongoing support and training. This means that you won’t need to worry about any of those things yourself. Instead, you’ll just focus on growing your business.

Managed Marketing Agency Services

Most marketing agencies are multifaceted, providing more than one service, so it can be challenging for small businesses to know how to use their managed marketing services.

Example – Thrive


Digital marketing includes your online assets like your website, blog, and landing pages. With large managed marketing agencies like Thrive, you can get your website designed and built with one of the top-rated agencies, Plus get all online content optimized for search. And without needing to use another provider, you can also have your email, and SMS marketing managed, video production, social media presence, plus more. It’s exhausting comprehending the spread of services available with marketing agencies today. However, marketing makes the world go around.

Without marketing, who would find suppliers of the products or services they need?
How would we learn what’s new or when a business has a promotion?

Small businesses would cease to exist without marketing pulling customers to their eCommerce stores. This leads us to yet another service you can get from managed marketing agencies.

eCommerce Marketing

Did you know there are services specifically for eCommerce and dropshipping marketing?

Example – WebFX


One of the largest managed marketing agencies is WebFX, and their list of eCommerce marketing services includes:

  • Amazon – managing your SEO, advertising, marketing, storefront setup, and launch
  • eCommerce platforms marketing – Facebook Marketplace, Shopify, Walmart, TargetPlus, and more
  • B2B eCommerce – selling products online, B2B AR and VR solutions, digital transformation

Large managed marketing agencies leave no stone unturned in their will to provide their customers with results that ensure they are successful. However, can small businesses afford a managed marketing agency?


Small businesses have smaller budgets, but many managed marketing agencies specialize in niches like influencer marketing or a specific channel like TikTok.

Startups and small businesses keen to engage a managed marketing agency should be prepared to invest more initially or at the outset of their outsourcing arrangement. With a setup budget, the managed marketing agency can audit your online assets, recommend improvements and additions, and get started on tasks like SEO or setting up social media profiles on networking sites where your customers hang out.

Managed marketing doesn’t need to be all or nothing. Small businesses can choose how they wish to engage their agency to manage all or some of their marketing requirements. For example, if you hire a company to manage your social media accounts, they can handle posting content, scheduling posts, and monitoring comments.

Final Words

According to a study conducted by the University of California at Berkeley, companies that use managed marketing services see a 25% increase in sales. The reason? Because these companies aren’t spending all their time trying to figure out what works best for them. Instead, they let experts handle the details of their marketing campaigns.
